All of our experiences are etched into us, burnished and acquired over time. They are like the stories carried in the varied grains and undulating grooves, deep furrows and harsh gashes that are confessed on wood. They are our character and strength, beautifully our own.

Some kids just look old. Whether they’re a newborn or a preteen there are some kids that look like they’re about to go on a smoke break or fix your leaking air conditioner or exterminate a squirrel. I think it’s all about the nose.

There are moments when you feel clear and connected and confident, as well as moments when you feel feebile and fumbling and fractured. That’s a normal part of leading others. But the moment you feel apathetic and disengaged and  is when you should be concerned.

The funny thing about using a blog again is that the impetus for doing so was because I distrust and dislike Facebook and Twitter. But the best way for people to be aware of a blog is (still) through Facebook and Twitter.